Gabriella "Mids" Midon
art director & motion designer
Telefone | Phone
+55 (11) 99336-9735
Endereço | Address
São Paulo, SP - Brasil
Sobre Mim_
Com mais de 9 anos de experiência na indústria audiovisual e design, trabalhei em diversas áreas: desde a pré-produção até a pós-produção. Minha carreira começou como Editora de Vídeos no Canal Arte 1, onde aprimorei minhas habilidades e me especializei na área. Além de ser um Editora e Motion designer, também sou Fotógrafa e extremamente apaixonada por entretenimento.
About me_
I am a seasoned professional with over 9 years of experience in the audiovisual industry. I have worked in various aspects of production, from pre-production to post-production. My career began as a Video Editor at Canal Arte 1, where I honed my skills and became more specialized in this field. Besides being an accomplished editor and motion designer, I am also a skilled photographer with a deep passion for the gaming and entertainment industry.
Experiência Profissional | Professional Experience
• Ogilvy (2024)
Art Director and Motion Designer
• Euphoria Creative (2023 - 2024)
Art Director and Motion Designer
• Garena Free Fire (2021 - 2023)
Video Creator
• Level Up! Games (2020 - 2021)
Art Director | Broadcast Designer
• Formusic (2019)
Producer | Video and Podcast Editor
• LIQUO AUDIO (2018 - 2019)
Audio Producer Coordination
• Canal Arte 1 (2016 - 2018)
Video Editor
PodDelas • KEUNE • LILLY SARTI • rellow • Tata Estaniecki • Boo Unzueta • MTV • Tropa do Ben$a